Being Green While Generating Green

In addition helping with industry image, recycling can be a smart business move and save your company money

In addition helping with industry image, recycling can be a smart business move and save your company money

by James J. Dolente, Jr., president
Madison Concrete Construction

Being a great business means doing more than just top-notch work. It also means being environmentally responsible. The green movement and recycling were once novelties. Now, it has been integrated into our daily lives and has become the norm.

It’s important that the construction industry shows responsibility and does its part. Recycling of materials is a key component of this charge.

777px-Recycle001In addition helping with our industry image, recycling can be a smart business move and save your company money. Scrap management programs can take materials on your construction and demolition (C&D) site that would be disposed of as common trash and turn them into a profit. Some government agencies also provide great incentives for C&D businesses who take recycling into account.

Nationally, about 480 million tons of C&D waste was generated in 2012, according to the Construction & Demolition Recycling Association. C&D waste comprises about 17.5 percent of the Pennsylvania municipal waste stream.

The green movement and recycling were once novelties. Now, it has been integrated into our daily lives and has become the norm. It’s important that the construction industry shows responsibility and does its part

The green movement and recycling were once novelties. Now, it has been integrated into our daily lives and has become the norm. It’s important that the construction industry shows responsibility and does its part

Several companies in Philadelphia recycle concrete, which is often then used as a base for new floor slabs in buildings, a base for roadway paving, and also for filling/backfilling excavated areas on construction sites. Madison has used recycled materials in several projects, including Courtland Apartments, FMC Tower and 3601 Market St. The redevelopment of Philadelphia’s Center City is an important project for the city. It’s also a great example of how recycling can save both money as well as helping out the environment.

The demolition of City Center’s Gallery may begin at the end of September. However, the demolished material won’t be headed to landfills. Tons of metal and concrete are expected to be sold and recycled. This is both cost-effective and good for the environment.

Some experts estimate that it may cost $600 a ton to take concrete to a landfill but only $200 a ton to recycle it – one-third of the cost. Let’s be good stewards for the environment while also helping improve the construction industry image and making a smart business decision for our companies.

We’d love to hear about how you’ve repurposed materials as well as how we may use our experience to work with you.

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