What our clients are saying…

We are proud to share an email we received from the corporate safety director at L.F. Driscoll Construction regarding the quality of the safety performance of our superintendent Joe McCormick at the PennVirtua Proton Therapy Vault project.

Gentlemen, I really want to give a shout out to Joe at Virtua Proton.  From the very first day he arrived on the site – before mobilization, he acted like he OWNED the site.  I would come for an inspection or an audit, Joe acted like he was THE jobsite superintendent. He walked me around, showed me all of his work, explaining what had been happening and why.   I think I only had one or two findings in several months of audits.  One was an irregular step in height and the other was a damaged electrical cord.  Everyone was always tied off or fall protected.  As I watched him interact with his workforce, he was polite, direct and insistent.  Clearly his men respect him and he respects them.  He is an incredible leader, leading by example.  Clearly, Joe is an incredible asset to Madison and I applaud you all for giving him the support and room to be the leader he has become on the job. Joe makes Madison a better company.

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