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Watch the Calder Gardens Team Pour 1,600+ cy of Concrete!

Madison helped wrap up 2023 with an overnight 1,680-cubic-yard concrete pour to complete the mat foundation at Calder Gardens art museum in Philadelphia. Watch the pour on general contractor LF Driscoll’s social media channels: LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.

The pour began the evening of Dec. 21 and lasted through the early hours of Dec. 22. The work involved 168 concrete trucks, 170 tons of reinforcing steel and 62 onsite workers, which required a great deal of planning and coordination. We are thankful for everybody’s hard work!

Designed by Herzog & de Meuron, the Swiss architectural firm behind the esteemed Tate Modern art gallery in London, Calder Gardens will showcase the work of internationally acclaimed sculptor Alexander Calder. Born in Philadelphia, Calder comes from a long line of artists responsible for iconic works in and around the city. His grandfather created the William Penn statue that sits atop City Hall, while his father designed the Swann Memorial Fountain in Logan Square.

Since the completion of the mat foundation, the Madison crew has been busy constructing the perimeter walls of the building, which includes several thousand square feet of architecturally exposed, board-formed concrete (see image below). Next, our team will begin work on the concrete frame structure and exterior garden walls. The museum, which sits on Ben Franklin Parkway between 21st and 22nd streets, is expected to open by early 2025.

At Madison, we are honored to be part of projects celebrating Philadelphia and its residents. Let us know how we can use our experience and expertise to help you achieve your construction goals!


Client/General Contractor:

LF Driscoll Co.


Calder Foundation


Herzog & de Meuron; Ballinger

Structural Engineer:


Caption: Calder Gardens art museum construction. The new 18,000-square-foot building will be surrounded by a meadow-like, four-season garden created by Dutch landscape designer Piet Oudolf.

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