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Project Update: Cobbs Creek's TGR Learning Lab and Driving Range Building

From 1916 to 2020, the Cobbs Creek Golf Course in Philadelphia was the home course for inclusion in America. During its early years, the Cobbs Creek campus was a place where legendary golfers and others honed their game at a time when they were not welcomed elsewhere. The public golf course was designed pro bono to be enjoyed by everyone—all genders, races and ages—by famed golf course designer Hugh Willson and fellow architects at the Philadelphia School of Golf Architecture. Today, the 340-acre property is undergoing a restoration to bring it back to life. The aim is to preserve its history while modernizing it to host professional golf tournaments, attract tourism and stimulate local businesses and economic growth

Project Team Client/General Contractor: L.F. Driscoll Co. Project Owner: Cobbs Creek Foundation Architect: Blackney Hayes Architects Inc. Structural Engineer: DCI Engineers  Photo courtesy Cobbs Creek Foundation

The renovation project broke ground July 2023. As part of the project, Madison began work in early 2024 on two new buildings:

  • TGR Learning Lab, a 30,000-square-foot facility that will provide local students with free access to science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) education as well as college and career readiness programs. 

  • Driving Range Building, featuring 84 bays with Toptracer technology, food and beverage spaces, a pro shop, restaurant and bars, event space and a heritage center where guests can learn about the history of Cobbs Creek.


Our work on both buildings primarily consists of footings, foundation walls, slabs on grade and slabs on metal deck. The TGR Learning Lab is projected to be complete in early 2025, and the driving range by summer 2025. The golf course is anticipated to be complete in 2027. To see pictures and project updates, visit the nonprofit Cobbs Creek Foundation’s Instagram and Facebook pages.


At Madison, we are honored to help restore a storied landmark that has been part of Philadelphia’s history for more than a century. This project promises to help develop and provide opportunities to young golfers as well as put Philly back on the map in the golfing world! Let us know how we can assist in your next project.

130 Quaker Lane | Malvern, PA 19355
Phone: (610) 695-8800

Fax: (610) 695-8678

For consultations, quotes & inquiries: info@madisonconcrete.com


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