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More Milestones Reached at Calder Gardens

Having completed the massive mat foundation pour at Calder Gardens art museum in Philadelphia in

late 2023, Madison crews have progressed through the majority of the concrete frame structure. We are now moving into the most complex elements of the project.

Our next steps include constructing the exposed concrete walls that will surround the garden area. These walls include a highly specialized architectural finish (see image at right).

The art museum is expected to open by early 2025. Visit Calder Gardens’ Instagram page to see time-lapse drone footage of the project site, including this video captured in late April by Ninoslav Krgovic of Herzog & de Meuron, the Swiss architect that designed the museum.

Calder Gardens, which sits on Ben Franklin Parkway between 21st and 22nd streets, will showcase the work of Philadelphia native Alexander Calder. An internationally acclaimed sculptor, Calder comes from a long line of artists responsible for iconic works in and around Philly. His father designed the Swann Memorial Fountain in Logan Square, and his grandfather created the William Penn statue that sits atop City Hall.

At Madison, we are proud to contribute to projects celebrating Philadelphia and the people who helped make our city what it is today. Let us know how we can help with your next project.


Client/General Contractor:

LF Driscoll Co.


Calder Foundation


Herzog & de Meuron; Ballinger

Structural Engineer:


Caption: The exterior garden is taking shape at Calder Gardens.

130 Quaker Lane | Malvern, PA 19355
Phone: (610) 695-8800

Fax: (610) 695-8678

For consultations, quotes & inquiries: info@madisonconcrete.com


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