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May is for Safety: Madison to Participate in CHOP Safety Carnival

By Jim Dolente Jr., President, Madison Concrete Construction

Building a strong safety culture takes the collective and individual efforts of all levels within an organization. Another component of safety is partnering with other trades to make jobsites safer. This is why Madison is proud to support a May safety carnival scheduled to take place at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) New Patient Tower project site.

On May 16, Madison Safety Director John Jakimowicz will be joining representatives from the CHOP Safety Department, LF Driscoll/DPR Construction JV team and JPC Excavation to educate project team members and other workers about safe practices. Attendees can expect to participate in safety games, test their knowledge through quizzes and engage in other challenges.

Madison began work at the New Patient Tower project in September 2023. Our scope includes foundations for the tower and reconstruction of the east portion of the garage. We are working closely with LF Driscoll/DPR JV to tackle issues including logistics and the intricate foundation modifications required so that demolition of the existing Wood Building can occur. Ensuring our crews are safe throughout the project is done through teamwork and teaching employees to proactively identify and mitigate risks. Participation is expected at every level of our organization, from executive staff to field workers.

Construction Safety Week, National Safety Stand Down

We encourage all our partners to reaffirm their commitment to sending workers home safe every day during Construction Safety Week, May 6-10. This year’s theme is “Value Every Voice.” Daily topics and Toolbox Talks are available for download to help you plan conversations, demonstrations and activities with your team. Other resources include a Mental Wellness Field Guide, as mental health is an increasingly important safety topic in construction.

This year, Construction Safety Week partnered with OSHA for a National Safety Stand Down event to prevent falls in construction—one of OSHA’s Fatal Four hazards. While National Safety Stand Down events also take place May 6-10, the organizations are encouraging scheduled stand downs on May 8 to create the largest construction stand down ever held. After joining the stand down, you can download a certificate of participation.

Safety has always been a cornerstone of Madison Concrete’s culture and our No. 1 priority. We’d love to hear about how you’re approaching safety on your projects and how we can assist you. I invite you to contact me or our safety department.


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