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Madison Reaches Project Milestone at CHOP Research Tower

Madison Concrete is days away from completing Level 14 slabs at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Schuylkill Avenue Research Building #2. This is a significant milestone that marks completion of the last major slab pours for this project.

Recently renamed the Morgan Center for Research and Innovation during a beam-signing ceremony in June, the 14-story tower is being constructed on top of an existing parking podium adjacent to the Roberts Center for Pediatric Research. It is another step in CHOP’s plan to develop a campus on the eastern bank of the Schuylkill River.

PROJECT TEAM Client/General Contractor: Gilbane/Pride/McKissack Tri-Venture Project Owner: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Architect/Structural Engineer: Cannon Design

The project broke ground October 2022, with Madison beginning work during late spring 2023. The 350,000-square-foot tower will feature 10 stories of research and laboratory space along with a second floor dedicated to lecture, conference and collaboration space—including a 250-seat lecture hall and terrace. Retail space is planned for the building's lower levels, as well as outdoor spaces to engage the surrounding community. The building's layout will be flexible to accommodate the ever-evolving needs of scientific research.

Our scope includes the retrofit of existing foundations, new foundations and elevated slabs. Once the 14th level is complete, our next steps will include smaller items of work within the building before finishing up with exterior concrete. The tower is scheduled to open in 2025.

At Madison, we understand the critical mission of healthcare providers to deliver superior patient outcomes and community well-being—and the project owners seeking to enhance their healthcare infrastructure. Let us know how we can assist in your next healthcare construction project.


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