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About Us

Concrete construction is much more than water, cement, sand and stone. 

Madison Employee
Madison Employee

Who We Are

Since our company's founding in 1969, Madison Concrete Construction's objective has been to offer superior quality construction in a safe environment with a reputation for honesty, integrity and responsiveness. We deliver what we promise: high quality, on-time projects using the best materials. 


Madison's adherence to the most recent technological developments culminates in the creation of the best concrete structures. We continue to create state-of-the-art methods through our in-depth research and development in order to provide you cutting-edge solutions for your next project.

We do the job right the first time, every time. 

FMC Tower 2

Our Approach

Madison understands the challenges you face and we commit to always developing responsive plans that go beyond expectations. We start the planning stages early with your needs at the forefront of our discussions as we work together to get the results you want. With our years of experience, we have built strong relationships with our suppliers so we can provide the highest quality products.


Different from other concrete construction contractors, we have established separate roles for our estimators and project managers to provide responsiveness to our customers and suppliers. This service allows us the extra manpower on our projects to get any size job done right, from start to finish.

FMC Tower 2
Tropical Leaves

Our History

Madison Concrete Construction has been a key player in Delaware Valley construction for more than 50 years. James Dolente Sr. and his brother founded our company in 1969 on a solid foundation of knowledge, skill and a drive for excellence in the concrete construction industry. We serve the Greater Philadelphia area with their vision and enthusiasm for the industry. James Dolente Sr. continues to guide the Madison team of professionals with the next generation of the Dolente family also actively involved in the company’s leadership.

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